Welcome to the Media Center!

Hello From your Media Specialist!
I Love seeing all of the great work that you are doing!  Keep it up!
Check out this week's plans for media!  Don't forget that you can reach out to me on Class Dojo or by email [email protected]
Mrs. Stenard



 Pete the Cat: Pete at the Beach by James Dean

Start to get children to think:  Summertime heat. Do you like the heat of the summer?  How do you keep cool?

Listen to a story about Pete the Cat at the beach: https://safeYouTube.net/w/rKOH


Color a beach picture for Pete! See attachment of teacher website. Please send a photo to [email protected] or Class Dojo!


Draw Pete the Cat: https://4.files.edl.io/bbb2/06/06/20/142024-7462981a-ce01-4edf-8463-6b01f0a43a12.pdf


Color Pete the Cat: https://3.files.edl.io/e5d6/20/06/06/141937-5032988c-68b4-434c-9b8e-d9cb8ba0375f.jpg


Summer STEAM - DESIGN A SUMMER SHELTER / Summer Shelter Design Challenge

Optional Stem Activity:
-Discuss how Pete was so hot and start to get students to think about some ways he could have tried to keep cool. Let's brainstorm a list of ways that someone can keep cool on a hot day.

-Draw attention to the parts where Pete was very hot and trying to find a way to cool off without going into the ocean.

-Discuss places to take cover from the sun.

-Draw/design/ or build a shelter for the beach. design challenge:  Can you create a summer shelter?

Engineering Design Process (EDP):  Ask, Imagine, Plan, Create.

Discuss some of the parts of these shelters that help them to be stable & to accomplish the task of creating shade. Add some labels to the pictures as well.

(ASK) Set up scenario:  Pete is at the beach.  The sun is shining down on him and he is getting way too hot. He even forgot his sunscreen and he doesn't want to get a sunburn! Create something that can protect Pete from the rays of the sun.

Your shelter must be able to stand on its own. “Pete” must be able to fit under it. It must shade "Pete" from the "sun."

(IMAGINE) SW brainstorm multiple ideas for shelters, (PLAN) SW draw & label a diagram of the shelter. (CREATE) use any materials that you want.

 Did you meet the criteria? Is your shelter able to stand on its own? Does it shade "Pete" from the "sun?" Please send me a picture if you choose this challenge [email protected] 

Or Class Dojo!




First and Second Grade


This week is a beach theme! Listen to the story When A Dragon Moves In by Jodi Moore.



Discuss or have a “Book Talk” with an adult by talking about the following questions:

  1. Describe the setting including where and when the story takes place.
  2. Make a connection to one of the characters in the story. Did something similar happen to you? How did you feel about it?
  3. What was your favorite part of the story and why?
  4. Tell why you liked or disliked the book. Give examples from the book.

Activity: Draw a beach picture with a sandcastle and send it to [email protected] or Class Dojo! I would also love to see a photograph of you on the beach! The beach is my happy place!


Optional Stem Challenge using the Engineering Design Process:

  1. Ask: Can you create a castle for a dragon?
  2. Brainstorm ideas and materials (Ideas for materials: blocks, sand, paper scraps, marshmallows, toilet paper rolls, legos, tinfoil, paper cups)
  3. Plan: Draw and label your plan on a plain piece of paper
  4. Create: Test and build your design
  5. Improve: Did you need to make any changes?
  6. Share: Send a picture of your sandcastle to [email protected] or Class Dojo!
  7. Be creative and use the materials that are easy to find at home. Have fun!




Remote Lesson Plans 6/1/20


Pre-K and Kindergarten:

This week we are continuing our study of Eric Carle.

 Please listen to the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar: https://safeYouTube.net/w/5aRH

Kindergarten Activity: Complete the Caterpillar coloring sheet or choose to do the makerspace optional activity. (see teacher website for “The Very Hungry Caterpillar Coloring Page”)

For an optional makerspace activity, I would like for you to make a caterpillar or a butterfly.  You can do a simple drawing or be creative and use different things in your design. (food, blocks, playdough, sidewalk chalk, etc.) 

Hungry Caterpillar activity:



Please send your photos to [email protected] or Class Dojo!



Grades 1 and 2

This week we will continue to study clouds.

Listen to the story: The Cloud Book  by Tomie dePaola  


Activity: For a makerspace activity, I would like for you to make something to represent the 4 main types of clouds. You can use cotton balls, paint, white paper, paper towels, etc.

Be creative and try to label your clouds with the correct names. I have an activity page you may use if you have a printer (see attachment on teacher website). Please send a picture of your clouds to [email protected] or Class dojo!

Cloud Activity:





Remote Lesson Plans 5/25/20 Author Study on Eric Carle

Pre-K- Kindergarten- A House for Hermit Crab

Listen to a story: A House for Hermit Crab, by Eric Carle. https://safeYouTube.net/w/N6gG

Talking points you may discuss, as your child reads the story. You can choose 1 or 2. No written response.

  • What is the problem and solution?
  • Where does the story take place or setting?
  • Did you like the book? Why? why not?
  • What was your favorite part?
  • Did anything make you smile or laugh?
  • Describe the characters?
  • Who was your favorite character and why?
  • Did you learn something new?
  • Did you wonder about anything?
  • Kindergarten activity- Draw or create a new house for your hermit crab! See attachment packet. You may use pictures from the packet or decorate in your own special way. Have fun decorating a new house for the Hermit Crab! Please send me a picture to [email protected] or Class dojo! Please take your time you have all week to send me a picture of your project.

Grades 1 and 2

We will be doing an author study on Eric Carle. Please watch the videos below to learn about this amazing author and illustrator.

Author Study information on Eric Carle: https://safeYouTube.net/w/ysWF

Eric Carle making The Very Hungry Caterpillar: https://safeYouTube.net/w/GvWF

We will be doing a unit on clouds. Please listen to this story for an introduction:

Little Cloud by Eric Carle https://safeYouTube.net/w/QHgG

Watch this video on the types of clouds: https://safeYouTube.net/w/TYVF

Please look at the clouds outside today. What kind of clouds do you see?

Complete “I Spy Recording Sheet” (See attachment on teacher website)




Remote Lesson Plans 5/11/20- May is Mental Health Month


Pre-K and Kindergarten:  This is the second week we are celebrating “Mindfulness!” Please listen to the story My Magic Breath: Finding the Calm Through Mindful Breathing.


My Magic Breathhttps://safeYouTube.net/w/AeOD


Breathing Technique Ideas:             https://safeYouTube.net/w/aDKC  https://safeYouTube.net/w/8bLC



Kindergarten: Please visit “Brainpopjr” to learn more about mindfulness. Listen again to the lesson on “mindfulness.” Take the quiz when you are done.  Please send me your picture of your results to [email protected]. Next, please click on the button that says “Activity.” Today, I would like you to practice calm breathing with Moby the robot from Brainpopjr!


Username/password: howell20


Grade 1 and 2 – Create your own calm corner in your house!   

*First listen to the story, The Good Egg: https://safeYouTube.net/w/pDOD

*Share with someone at home and tell them where you would make a calm corner in your house? Somewhere that you could relax and be quiet.

*IMAGINE What would you include in your calm corner? Pillows? Books? Certain toys? Are their certain calming activities you could do? Painting? Write down your ideas on a piece of paper.

*PLAN Draw it out on a piece of paper or you can print the planning sheet attached. Be sure to draw and label things you would have in your calm corner.  Please send us a picture of your calm corner to: [email protected]

*Optional: On my teacher website, please click on the link to follow the directions to draw the character “The Good Egg.” Please send a picture to [email protected]

*Please complete the “Written Response for the Good Egg” (attached to the teacher website). In this story, the good egg learns that it is important to take care of himself. List 3 things that you do to take care of yourself and illustrate one of them below on the writing paper attached or on a different piece of paper.

Good Egg Writing Prompt: file:///Users/jstenard/Downloads/TheGoodEggwritingprompt.pdf

Good Egg Reading Response: file:///Users/jstenard/Downloads/TheGoodEggReadingResponse.pdf

Lets Draw The Good Egg: file:///Users/jstenard/Downloads/LetsDrawTheGoodEggPDF.pdf

Calm corner Journal: file:///Users/jstenard/Downloads/Calm%20Corner%20Journal.pdf


Remote Lesson Plans 5/11/20- May is Mental Health Month


Pre-K and Kindergarten: This week’s theme is “Mindfulness!” Mindfulness means paying full attention to something. It means slowing down to really notice what you're doing. Being mindful is the opposite of rushing or multitasking. When you're mindful, you're taking your time. You're focusing in a relaxed, easy way. Please enjoy this story with your child and try some of the relaxing activities that help your child to stay calm and happy!

Mindful Monkey and Happy Panda: https://safeYouTube.net/w/baHC

Optional Breathing Technique Ideas: https://safeYouTube.net/w/aDKC https://safeYouTube.net/w/8bLC


Kindergarten: Please visit “Brainpopjr” to learn more about mindfulness. Please click on the button that says “Draw About it.” Send me your picture to [email protected]  


Username/password: howell20


First and Second Grade- Ferdinand- The Story of Ferdinand tells of a young, peaceful bull, who lives in a pasture with his mother and a large group of other young bulls. All the other bulls like to run and buck all day long, but he prefers to sit under his favorite tree and smell the flowers. Ferdinand is confident in himself and is mindful to what makes him peaceful and happy. Let’s study this character for “Mindfulness Week.” *First listen to the story: https://safeYouTube.net/w/SYHC

*Discussion questions after the story: What did Ferdinand like to do in the story? Ferdinand’s mother was worried he would be lonesome sitting by himself under the tree. Do you think Ferdinand was a happy bull? Why? What made him happy? What are things that you like to do that make you happy?

*Activity: Create a flower for Ferdinand! Please print the flower template attached to my teacher website or make your own. Draw pictures and write words of things that make you happy on the flower. Please send a picture of your flower to: [email protected] or Class Dojo! Optional fun activities: Practicing your focus: https://safeYouTube.net/w/uUKC Breathing Technique Ideas: https://safeYouTube.net/w/aDKC

Remote Lesson Plans Week 7  5/4/20


Pre-K and K:

Please listen to this story Little Miss Spider by David Kirk.  In this story, on the very first day of Miss Spider’s life, she pops out of her egg to find her brothers and sisters scooting around her. But where is her mother? Lucky for Little Miss Spider, kind and caring Betty the Beetle is there to fill in the role. The author tells a sweet adoption story in which Miss Spider searches high and low before happily discovering that a mother’s love can come from many sources.


Little Miss Spider: https://safeYouTube.net/w/CIqA


Listen and sing this song to your loved ones:



Kindergarten Response: Discuss the important parts of a story. Complete the story map by drawing pictures in the story map attached. (characters, setting, beginning, middle, end). Please send me a picture of your story map.




First and Second Grade Students:

Please watch the video on “Blooming Flowers Stem.” Follow the “Engineering Design Process” to try to make a paper flower bloom! You may use the temple attached or draw your own flowers! In addition, you can make a fun surprise with a hidden message inside your flower for a special person! Please send me a picture or video of your blooming flower!


Video: https://safeYouTube.net/w/GoHA



Choose a story to read:

How to Raise a Mom  https://safeYouTube.net/w/ELqA

The Night Before Mother’s Day  https://safeYouTube.net/w/wFqA




Kindergarten Story Map




Optional for Pre-K, Kindergaten, 1st, and 2nd: I am attaching a few Mother’s Day cards and projects. If you can’t go out to shop making a project for a loved one is perfect!






April is “Poetry Month!”


Second and First Grade: This week we are celebrating poetry in the media center! Please watch the “BrainPopjr” video on poetry!


username and password= howell20


When you are finished watching the video, underneath click on the button that says “Talk About It.” Complete an acrostic poem about “Friends.” Please email me a picture of your acrostic poem! Have fun!


Kindergarten: To celebrate “Poetry Month” let’s practice our rhyming words! Please watch the Brainpopjr video on rhyming words! Practice saying and repeating rhyming words with your family.


username and password= howell20




Listen to the rhyming song below. Follow along and dance to rhythm of the rhyming words. Try listening to the song a second time encourage your child to chorally read or join in on the singing!

Song: https://safeYouTube.net/w/7bP8



Makerspace challenge: Can you help your child build some of the animals in the song with legos? (Frog, bird, duck, etc.) I would love to see your creations.


Remote Learning Week 2 Lesson Plans



Listen to the video about characters in stories on Brainpopjr. On the bottom take the quiz for the video. In addition, complete the activity where you can make character trading cards for your favorite characters! If you would like, take a picture of your trading cards and email them to me or send them to me in Class Dojo!

Username: howell20




Week 3 here we go!

Kindergarten Week 3 Remote Learning at Home

Please use the link below to read or listen to  a fiction and a nonfiction story. You are completing Week 1/Day 1: Animals Studies-Rabbits. You can try the “Puzzler” which reviews fact or fiction. In addition after listening to the story Rabbits discuss this question below with a family member:

  • Rabbits  is a nonfiction book. This means it has true information and interesting facts. What did you learn from the book? Tell a grownup one new thing you learned. You can also draw about it. If you can, send me a picture of your drawing.




*This website has many extensions to try for enrichment. Please modify for your own child’s attention span and abilities. The goal is to listen and talk about a Fiction and Nonfiction book. The rest of the activities are for you to enjoy and pick and choose your own child’s interests.


Grades 1-2 Remote Learning Week 3

Please use the link below to listen to or read the fiction and nonfiction stories about spiders. When finished try the “Draw and Write” activity where the students will create a new spider. Please send me a picture of your creation. In addition, after listening to the story A Spiderling Grows Up  discuss with a grownup this question:

What is one new thing that you learned from what you read? Write or draw about it. If you can, send me a picture!




*This website has many extensions to try for enrichment. Please modify for your own child’s attention span and abilities. The goal is to listen and talk about a Fiction and Nonfiction book. The rest of the activities are for you to enjoy and pick and choose your own child’s interests.



Second grade Students

Please use the link below to practice how to sort fiction books using the authorʼs last name on a library shelf. (Click on the Fiction button only) Try this fun way to practice at home, by dragging the fiction books and placing them in the correct order in the game. Remember to use the button “Check my Shelf.” Have fun playing!


Week 4
Book of the week! Dragons Love Tacos!

Dragon Loves Tacos "Grades K-2

After listening to the book of the week, complete one of the activities:

Kindergarten: Make a bookmark (see bookmark attachment post)

First Grade: Draw or write about your favorite part of the story.

Second Grade: Illustrate and write about the beginning, middle, and end of the story.

Optional Extra Makerspace Idea:Can you make a taco with construction paper and paper plates, playdough, or legos?  Send me a picture of your creation!




Great job on working on reading and stem at home!

Please click on the link below to see our “Earth Day” projects! This is a fun way to

celebrate how proud all of your teachers are with your work! Keep it up!
